
Showing posts from November, 2019

2019 TimeTable Out

Find all the dates and times South African matrics will write their NSC October/November 2019 exams here.    The Department of Basic education has released the NSC 2019 examinations timetable, which you can check out below. Practical exams begin 2 September, leading into the October/November sittings, which ends 28 November. Top Tips to Smash Your Finals: Start early Practice on past papers Organise group study sessions Take short breaks frequently when swotting Explain the work to someone, even if it’s your family pet Read it. Write it. Say it. Switch-off your phone Get enough sleep Abbreviations: HL: Home language FAL: First additional language SAL: Second additional language P: Paper Monday 2 September 9:00 Life Orientation (LO CAT) (2hrs) Wednesday 16 October 9:00 Computer Applications Tech P1 (3 hours) Practical Thursday 17 October 9:00 Information Technology P1 (3 hours) Practical 12 August to 11 October 9...