
Check 2020 Matric Results Online

The results have been announced for the 2020 Independent Examinations Board (IEB) matric exams. >> Click here to check your IEB matric results How it works: Simply enter your exam number in the box at the top of the page and you'll get an instant reply showing whether you passed and any distinctions you received. The 2020 IEB pass rate is 98.07%, slightly down from 98.82% last year. Of those candidates who passed, 88.42% (89.51% in 2019) achieved entry to degree study; 8.14% (7.91% in 2019) qualified for entry to diploma study; and 1.51% (1.4% in 2019) achieved entry for study at the higher certificate level. A total of 12,042 full-time and 1,139 part-time candidates from 233 examination centres across Southern Africa wrote the IEB exams in October and November 2020 – an increase from 2019, when there were 11,818 full-time and 779 part-time candidates. The closing date to apply for remarking is March 3 and the results from remarking will be released on Marc...

Here are South Africa’s matric results for 2019

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has published the matric results for the 2019 cohort with the group achieving a pass rate of 81.3%. A total of 787,717 candidates entered for the November 2019 NSC examination. This number was made up of 616,754 full time and 170,963 part-time candidates. A total of 790,405 candidates sat for 147 question papers in 7,416 examination centres nationwide. A further 212 learners wrote at correctional facilities. “We’ve got a very big system. We have more than 12 million learners in more than 26,000 schools. What is gratifying is that South African parents, rich and poor, continue to have confidence in the public school system because of your performance,” said basic education minister, Angie Motshekga. This was the sixth cohort of candidates to write the NSC examination that is aligned to the national Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), a curriculum which is benchmarked against international standards. Motshekga sai...

2019 TimeTable Out

Find all the dates and times South African matrics will write their NSC October/November 2019 exams here.    The Department of Basic education has released the NSC 2019 examinations timetable, which you can check out below. Practical exams begin 2 September, leading into the October/November sittings, which ends 28 November. Top Tips to Smash Your Finals: Start early Practice on past papers Organise group study sessions Take short breaks frequently when swotting Explain the work to someone, even if it’s your family pet Read it. Write it. Say it. Switch-off your phone Get enough sleep Abbreviations: HL: Home language FAL: First additional language SAL: Second additional language P: Paper Monday 2 September 9:00 Life Orientation (LO CAT) (2hrs) Wednesday 16 October 9:00 Computer Applications Tech P1 (3 hours) Practical Thursday 17 October 9:00 Information Technology P1 (3 hours) Practical 12 August to 11 October 9...

Matric Past Papers

Use these previous exam papers to revise and prepare for the upcoming NSC exams. This way you can find out what you already know and what you don't know. Click on this link to see all years Past Papers OR CLICK HERE   OR BETTER STILL CLICK HERE

Online Matric Result Checker

       There are several ways learners can get their individual matric results. The Department of Basic Education website ( link here ) Candidates’ partial results will be made available on the Department of Basic Education website. IEB Website ( link here ) Learners who wrote the IEB exams can visit the IEB Online website News24 Matric Results Portal ( link here ) News24 has partnered with the IEC (Electoral Commission) to bring South Africans the matric results. The EWN matric portal ( link here ) The EWN  matric results portal makes it possible for learners to get their results online on the day of release. Sowetan Live matric portal ( link here ) The Sowetan Live matric portal offers National Senior Certificate learners a pre-registration service to receive their results and share them on social media.   SABC Education The SABC Education Matric Results service will release the results to students  ...

What are the matric pass requirements?

If you're in the dark about what the minimum pass requirements for matric are, here's all you need to know.    Every year around exam time and then again when results are released, there seems to be confusion about the matric pass requirements. Often, you even hear people saying, "Agh, you only need 30% to pass." This is misleading and simply not true, because the pass requirements aren't as simple as you may think. As a matric student, you need to take at least 7 subjects and at the very least, you need to pass your home language at a minimum of 40%, two other subjects at 40% as well, and three others at 30%, in order to obtain a higher certificate pass. Thus, as Elijah Mhlanga, a spokesman for the Department of Basic Education explains, “If the learner does not satisfy the minimum subject requirements, he will not be awarded with the [National Senior Certificate], even though he may have attained an exceptionally high mark in one or two of...

Matriculant with 97% average shares her secrets

Scoring a neat 97% aggregate in the final matric exams placed Christine, who just graduated from Hoërskool De Kuilen in Kuilsrivier, Cape Town, in the second position in South Africa (quintile 5) for matric 2016. Let's first pore over her marks: English Home Language: 99% Afrikaans Huistaal: 96% Mathematics: 98% Information technology: 98% Life sciences: 96% Physical sciences: 95% Life orientation: 99% No surprise then that she was invited to the prestigious prize-giving event at Vodacom World where minister Angie Motshekga announced the matric results for 2016. We asked Christine a few questions: What were your favourite subjects? CV: I love maths and took AdMaths (an advanced mathematics programme) after school too. I find biology particularly interesting, and then I also enjoy the practical aspect of IT. Did you do any extracurricular activities? I did fencing at the Tygerberg Fencing club. I also play piano and the drums. What advice can you...